Vegan-organic agriculture: Seasonal. Regional. Organic.

It is where the preservation of life is decided, in the production of high quality and nutrient-rich food that we have the best chance to leave a world worth living in for future generations.

However, today the use of synthetic fertilisers, pesticides and monocultures have a negative impact on nature and thus the quality of food. We are globally witnessing unprecedented soil erosion, desertification, land degradation, over-fertilisation, chemical (water) pollution and decarbonisation.

This development leads to a deterioration in the quality of food supply and is accompanied by the loss of fertile soil and biodiversity, and also to a large extent of native seeds and knowledge.

According to estimates by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, conventional agriculture and its practices are responsible for a quarter of the annual global emissions of greenhouse gases. This makes it the second largest emitter after the energy industry.

A paradigm shift must take place in agriculture to break this downward spiral: instead of intensive land use, agriculture must become ecologically compatible and be in harmony with and based on the example of nature.

This is the only way to secure the natural foundations for production such as soils, biodiversity, water and climate in the long term and to strengthen the stability of agroecosystems. Organic farming is also better equipped to meet the challenges of climate change.

And indeed, more and more people are partnering up as enterprises to make agriculture and food sustainable, regional and resilient. They aren’t waiting for the politicians, who so urgently need to change the rules of the system profoundly, to take action, they just do it!

Together with our partners we want to transform the food system – from farm to fork! Ecological, GMO-free varieties of seeds and crops guarantee good food produced from fertile and nutrient-rich plants. Agriculture with a focus on healthy soil is also able to sustainably bind CO2 and thus reduce it.

Special attention should be paid to purely plant-based agriculture, which will play an increasingly important role in the future. This is not only because society still shows a continuously growing trend towards a plant-based diet, but also because biocyclical vegan agriculture offers the solution to a number of problems in the long term: it helps to protect the climate, preserve biodiversity and improve groundwater quality, ensures more fertile soils, can provide food security for the world's population and much more.

Our aim is to make people appreciate food again. Because good food is not only about taste and nutrients, but also about production conditions.

This makes every purchase decision also a decision about how the soil, plants, animals and staff of an agricultural enterprise should be treated. There are many reasons for eating regional, seasonal and organic food – not only for the sake of the environment and climate, but also for the regional economy and your own health.

Viele Ähren

We have sprayed insecticides on the fields for decades and now we are sad that the insects are exterminated.

Hagen Rether

In this context, the Stiftung Zukunft jetzt! supports projects which focus on:

  • the promotion of environmentally sound agriculture and ecologically sustainable consumer awareness

  • training programmes and other educational measures that qualify people for organic-biodynamic farming

  • school farm projects that give children and adults an insight into organic farming and food production

  • environmental and nature experience centres as well as out-of-school places of learning with concepts combining organic farming, environmental education and recreation.

  • cultivation of seed-proof vegetable varieties, herbs and flowers for organic farming

  • cultivation research and development

  • measures ensuring the preservation and development of soil fertility on agricultural land

  • regenerative agriculture – sustainable agriculture and pasture management methods that use holistic practices to conserve the organic substance of soils, restore damaged soil biodiversity, substantially improve the water cycle and create intact ecosystems.

We want to increasingly support projects and initiatives that practice the cycle-oriented and vegan form of organic farming. Organic-vegan farming ensures healthy soils and productivity using purely plant-based products.Noanimals are kept, as plant-based alternatives replace manure and slurry. This form of agriculture goes one step further, especially in terms of animal ethics, by rejecting any use of animals and, in our opinion, represents a real alternative to today's agricultural industry. Most plant-based foods also have a very small climate footprint and conserve natural resources.

Eine Blumenwiese

Earth is not only our common heritage, it is also the source of life.

Dalai Lama

Funded projects