About the foundation

The Schweisfurth Foundation stands for doing business with respect and enjoyment of living things for a sustainable agriculture and food industry.

The focus of the operational foundation is on promoting species-appropriate animal husbandry in agriculture, future dialogs between urban and rural areas and environmental and water protection.

A tour of the art is taking place.

Anyone who handles soil, plants and animals and produces food for people bears a great deal of responsibility. We need basic ethical values that tell us what we must and must not do. Otherwise we have no direction!

Karl Ludwig Schweisfurth

Why we fund

The Schweisfurth Foundation is committed to environmentally friendly agriculture, forms of agriculture that promote soil life, animal-friendly livestock farming, quality-oriented food craftsmanship and a healthy, conscious diet.

Its founder, idea generator and visionary Karl Ludwig Schweisfurth was particularly concerned about animal welfare. He felt it was an ethical duty to give animals a good life until it was taken away from them.

Questioning and searching for new answers has been the concern of the Schweisfurth Foundation for over 30 years. It is in constant dialog with farmers and craftsmen, with entrepreneurs and consumers, with scientists and politicians. In Bavaria, Germany and all over the world.


What we fund

Cows are standing in a meadow
Picture: Karsten Würth

The following projects, among others, are made possible by the Stiftung Zukunft jetzt!

Cow-linked calf rearing means real animal welfare right from the start! As a rule, calves are separated from the mother cow shortly after birth, because drinking from a teat bucket is considered more economically advantageous than rearing by the mother cow. It is not possible for the cow to engage in species-appropriate behavior such as sucking on the udder and licking the calf. However, studies show that this has a positive effect on the calves' health, development and social behavior. The Schweisfurth Foundation promotes cooperation between agricultural practice, business and research so that calves can stay longer with a mother cow or a nurse cow and live out their species-appropriate behavior.

The annual Organic Young Farmers' Conference with around 180 participants enables young people, who are often left to their own devices in everyday agricultural work, to exchange ideas and advise each other. The aim is to create a cross-association and cross-regional framework for a dialog on the current topics of organic farming in order to jointly "cultivate the fields of tomorrow!".

About the founder

Shortly before his death in February 2020, founder Karl Ludwig Schweisfurth once again shared his core ideas with the foundation's employees. "Let us advocate an ecology of short distances and thinking in symbioses and cycles. Let us be carried by a vision: Let us make peace with nature!".

A pig looks directly in the camera

Meat must become precious and valuable again. Better half as much, but three times as good.

Karl Ludwig Schweisfurth