About the foundation

The Foundation Conservation Carpathia (FCC) is breaking completely new ground in nature conservation.
For the first time in Europe, a private initiative has developed an all-encompassing concept that not only creates a new protected area, but at the same time improves the living conditions of the local population in all areas and is actively involved in all areas of sustainable development.

The foundation has purchased almost 28,000 hectares of forest land for full protection (an area larger than the Bavarian Forest National Park), replanted almost 2000 hectares of degraded land with the natural tree species composition, reintroduced bison and beavers and stopped sport and trophy hunting on almost 100,000 hectares. In addition, the FCC Foundation is directly helping the local communities and actively improving the living conditions of disadvantaged sections of the population in particular, developing a new, green economy, and is already developing the infrastructure for the future national park.

The FCC Foundation believes that this comprehensive approach is the way nature conservation must and can work in the future.

Trees in front of a mountain range

The turning point with the war in Ukraine in the middle of Europe has made nature conservation even more important. If we learn to live in harmony with nature again, the thought of war becomes superfluous. Our project in the Romanian Carpathians is trying to achieve precisely this balancing act - to protect nature and people in equal measure.

Christoph Promberger, March 2022

Why we fund

We need more national parks!

The Romanian Carpathians are the most important natural area we still have on our continent. 30 percent of large carnivores live there, more than half of the remaining primeval forests are located in Romania and more than 3,000 animal and plant species are at home there. However, these forests are not only a hotspot for the protection of biodiversity but are also a huge carbon sink that is of great importance for climate protection.

The Conservation Carpathia Foundation shows in an impressive way how nature conservation, economy and social issues belong together and support each other. Our life formula of climate protection = nature conservation = species protection = animal protection = human protection is implemented in an exemplary manner by the Conservation Carpathia Foundation. Forward-looking nature conservation can only work if animals, plants and humans are united on an equal footing with all their needs and possibilities.

For this reason, we support the Conservation Carpathia Foundation and its project to establish a national park in the Romanian Carpathians.


What we fund

The financial support from the Stiftung Zukunft jetzt! is helping the FCC to develop the infrastructure for a future national park, which includes ranger stations, a logistics hub and ecotourism infrastructure as well as education and information centers and social facilities.

  • Beaver Information Center Rucar
  • Glamping Site Poiana Tamas Wilderness Camp
  • Bison Visitor Centre Leresti

The Promberger couple receives the Bambi

Barbara and Christoph Promberger receive the Bambi in the "Our Earth" category!
>> Read more about this award ceremony

A lake in the forest

The only world in which someone can be themselves is nature.

Boris L. Pasternak, Russian writer, 1890 – 1960