If not now, then when? For quite some time now the question of how we live today and what we would have to change to make sure that all human beings are well off in the future and how we can protect the planet that is our home has been on my mind. The artist Hartmut Kiewert is a particular inspiration to me and I share his utopian vision of a new coexistence of humans and other animals on an equal footing. I believe in the power and importance of grassroots movements and I am convinced that they have the potential to drive a transformation ‘from below’ or from the centre of civil society. The Stiftung Zukunft jetzt! is therefore a genuine project of the heart for me with which I want to point-out problematic issues or potentials for improvement, build networks and lend a helping hand to charitable movements. The motto for all I do is ‘If not now, then when?’

Erecting a monument for myself is not what matters to me, but I hope I will be able to make a lasting difference following the guiding principle of Mahatma Gandhi: “Be the change you want to see in this world.”

Petra Martin, founder and chairwoman of the foundation

Petra Martin
Menschen bepflanzen einen Acker

Many small people, in many small places, taking many small steps - can change the face of the world.

Stefan Zweig

My vision

"The future is in our hands. Concepts and technologies to solve the system crisis humankind created and initiate the necessary transformation already exist. However, putting them into practice is still lagging behind in many places.

We need to transform the way we think and act now! to make mankind fit for the future!

I believe in the principle of the critical mass: If a sufficiently large minority commits to a common goal, a tipping point will eventually be reached and the rest of the majority will jump on the bandwagon. By changing our awareness and behaviour in a large number of small ways, we can achieve a transformation towards a future worth living for all of Earth's inhabitants.

Let’s start now! …"

Viele Bäume

The most effective way to predict the future is to shape it.

Franz Alt

My mission

"I want to focus on the opportunities and things that have the potential to significantly shape a sustainable model for the future with an ethically and socially based lifestyle and economy. The focus of the funding work of the Stiftung Zukunft jetzt! is enthusiasm and confidence in what is new instead of fighting the past. I want to help establish life models that are viable, sustainable as well as resilient, and thus advance the necessary eco-social developments. To do so, I focus on funding partners and funding projects with the greatest possible impact. In addition, I am interested in creating synergies and thus generating more momentum. Because in this time of crises and upheaval strong networkers who connect people with the same ideals and ideas of a sustainable and humane world are also very much needed."


Normality is a paved road; you can walk on it - but no flowers grow on it.

Vincent van Gogh

The future is not just destiny, but the consequence of the decisions we make today.

My role in this:

  • instigator for change

  • philanthropist and patron of nature and animal conservation

  • networker and stimulator

  • accelerator and changemaker

  • enabler for new business models

  • creator of a future worth living in

The maxim is to give something back to society and the planet

To our projects

Viele Bäume

If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make a change.

Michael Jackson

For a long time now, I have on a private level been supporting activists, citizens' initiatives and social movements and pioneering projects who make a valuable contribution to their environment and work towards a comprehensive systemic change for the benefit of all. It is also important to me to build networks of existing projects and the people behind them.

My main concern for decades to advocate for an improvement of the way animals are kept, treated and live has developed into a very heterogeneous portfolio of charitable organisations and initiatives. I expanded my social commitment mainly because my view of life has continuously changed and my awareness broadened. I had the chance to realise how many problematic areas in our modern society are intertwined.

The following varied overview of a selection of projects is to give a small insight, inform, encourage and ideally motivate others to get active in charitable and voluntary work or provide financial support. Together we can set small but important impetuses at the right spots.

The projects and people active at local, national or international level have for the most part crossed and accompanied my path rather by chance and cover a wide range of activities, from animal, species and nature conservation, education for children, youth and adults, local community projects as well as innovative social enterprises and housing projects up to media on the topic of plant-based food.

I could convince myself that they were initiated by great personalities or teams and perform valuable work for society, people, nature and animals. The one-time or continuous cooperation with them brings joy, satisfaction, many new contacts or even friendships.

Not only ‘since Corona’ do we know that crises can also be understood as an opportunity to rethink many social and ecological issues and, above all, to change them in a sustainable way. Let's take this chance!