The ‘Greta’ effect in the kitchen

Whether because of the devastating impact on the climate (caused for example by the land consumption for livestock farming) or for the sake of our health: the ‘change on the plate’ should take place urgently – especially as a healthy and balanced diet does not require making animals suffer and die for food production.

The Stiftung Zukunft jetzt! is actively promoting a system change in favour of a more environmentally friendly, humane, plant-based food system. Our reasons for this are numerous and convincing:

By changing to a vegetarian diet the need for land would be reduced considerably, changing to a vegan diet would almost half it and even a flexitarian diet would reduce the need for land by at least a fifth. Analogously, the greenhouse gas emissions linked to food would also decrease significantly.

A diet free of meat and fish is sustainable, healthy, balanced and trendy. We want to motivate those who are not (yet) vegetarians to adopt a plant-based diet.

Das Gesicht einer Kuh in einem Tiertransporter

If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian.

Paul McCartney

Also from the point of view of experts and according to the so-called ‘Planetary Health Diet’ diet plan, at least a change to a ‘flexitarian’ diet is necessary, which is predominantly plant-based and only allows animal products to a very moderate extent. This requires, for example, reducing the consumption of red meat and eating significantly less butter, cream and cheese. At least 75% of the protein supply should come from plant-based foods.

From an ethical point of view, the vegan diet is the most consistent. For this diet, any food of animal origin is taboo. It has become suitable for everyday use and there is a varied and constantly expanding choice of products available.

Zwei Schafe im Hochland

Now I can look at you in peace. I don’t eat you any more.

Franz Kafka

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