About the foundation

With its projects, the Heinz Sielmann Foundation ensures that people can experience nature. Children and young people in particular are given the opportunity to experience nature in many different ways so that they learn to appreciate the value of nature at an early age.

The work of the Heinz Sielmann Foundation also focuses on preserving biodiversity, raising public awareness of nature conservation and preserving the cinematic legacy of nature film pioneer Heinz Sielmann.

All of the Heinz Sielmann Foundation's natural landscapes can be experienced on foot, by bike or, in some cases, by horse-drawn carriage ride. At the Heinz Sielmann Foundation's headquarters, Gut Herbigshagen near Duderstadt, the environmental education team offers the nature experience program "Days full of diversity". The 13 teams of Sielmann's Nature Rangers, the youth organization of the Heinz Sielmann Foundation, deepen these initial experiences and insights.

A deer stands in a clearing.

Nothing leaves a deeper impression than a personal experience in the great outdoors.

Heinz Sielmann

Why we fund

The biotope network concept serves as a model for more biotopes and less species loss in Germany. Valuable new habitats are being developed step by step on areas previously used for agriculture through renaturation measures. The new biotopes are creating a new network of habitats for animals and plants between the villages inhabited by people, so that populations can recover and species that have disappeared can return.

A pond in the morning sun

It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

Heinz Sielmann