About the Institute

Based on Dr. Jane Goodall's revolutionary findings with the chimpanzees of Gombe, the non-profit association is committed to comprehensive nature and species conservation, education in sustainable development and global development cooperation.

Jane Goodall recognized very early on that, due to the diverse and constantly growing threats to chimpanzees and other primates in modern species conservation, it is absolutely necessary to include social and economic aspects of people both locally and globally. The NGO therefore aims to promote awareness of ecological interrelationships, expand the scope for individual action and stimulate public discourse and dialog.

Jane Goodall with ape

Each and every one of us can make a difference every day - by working for animals, people and the environment!

Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace

Why we fund

Over the years, I have repeatedly come into contact with Jane Goodall's work and have supported it sporadically.

Whether through the gripping documentary "JANE" or through the involvement of good friends with the worm rangers - over the years I have repeatedly come into contact with Jane Goodall's work and have supported it sporadically.

I find Jane Goodall's matter-of-fact, determined way of conveying her passion and her issues, coupled with her calm and peaceful nature, exemplary and worthy of emulation. This makes her one of my greatest role models and anchors in this world. Addressing young adolescents as one of the most important "target groups" in nature and animal protection work with her programs makes a lot of sense to me.

As the Jane Goodall Institute also has its headquarters in my home town of Munich, I felt that this was an indication that the organization and its worldwide work should be promoted more specifically and sustainably via the Stiftung Zukunft jetzt! in a more concrete and sustainable way.


What we fund

Jane Goodall with children
Picture: Robert Ratzer

The Stiftung Zukunft jetzt! has been supporting the Jane Goodall Institute since the beginning of 2021 in the further development and coordination of the Roots & Shoots groups in Germany. The funding has made it possible to create a part-time position at the Jane Goodall Institute, which is fully dedicated to the Roots & Shoots area and can further expand it in the direction of education for sustainable development.

Roots & Shoots

The "Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots" program places a special focus on project work by and with children, young people, schools and universities. On the one hand, to sensitize and inform young people, and on the other, to enable them to develop a self-image for a reflective, sustainable and peaceful way of life.

Jane Goodall mit Affe

Roots sprout everywhere underground and form a solid base. Plant sprouts seem very delicate, but to reach light they can break through walls. Hundreds and thousands of young roots and shoots all over the world can break through these walls.

Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace

Roots & Shoots groups

Roots & Shoots coordination

Lisa Popp has been coordinating the Germany-wide Roots & Shoots program since January 2023.

Lisa Popp
Picture: Würmranger

The Würmranger

The first and longest-running Roots & Shoots group in Germany! The group of children, young people and adults is committed to experiencing nature and protecting nature along the Würm.

>> Wuermranger.org
>> Video: The Würmranger | Roots & Shoots - Group at the Würm

Picture: Eva Kautzky


The newly-formed Roots & Shoots group from a study seminar in Munich is sprucing up their school garden with self-made birdhouses and insect hotels. They plant bee pastures, grow their own fruit and vegetables and use them to cook delicious meals together.

Picture: Deborah Roperti-Pohl

The lucky gardeners

The pumpkins of this Roots & Shoots group from the Kastanienhof daycare center in Nuremberg thrive thanks to their homemade irrigation systems, the so-called "ollas"

Picture: Urken©Ivana-Bilz

The Jane Goodall Primary School Berlin

The pupils and teachers at this elementary school were presented with a very special award by Dr. Jane Goodall herself. The Jane Goodall Award Germany "MAKING A DIFFERENCE" 2023 recognizes lighthouse projects and their initiators that are committed to people, animals and the environment, find new solutions and set an example, encourage and inspire and are committed to our planet and all its inhabitants.

Picture impressions

The team from the Jane Goodall Institute, with the support of children from a nearby kindergarten and Green City e.V., is planting the green strip in front of their office in Munich.
Garden tools are ready

"We are greening our neighborhood sustainably: The Jane Goodall Institute team is planting the green strip in front of their office in Munich with the support of children from a nearby kindergarten and Green City e.V."

Poster for the clothes swap party
people attend the clothes swap party

"We are taking a stand against fast fashion and organizing our second clothes swap party! There was a lot of rummaging, trying on and discarded favorite pieces changed hands."

beech leaves on the trunk

You aren't going to save the world on your own. But you might inspire a generation of kids to save it for all of us. You would be amazed at what inspired children can do.

Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, Founder - the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace