#Conservation of nature and environment#Education, science and research
About the project
Since the winter semester 2011/12, the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development has been supporting particularly committed and high-achieving students with the HNEE German Scholarship.
The aim is to give students the opportunity to reach their full potential and concentrate on their studies without hindrance - regardless of their income or BAföG funding. HNEE students can receive 300 euros per month for at least two semesters and up to the end of the standard period of study. The grant is made up in equal parts of funds from the Federal Ministry of Education & Research (BMBF) and funds from private sponsors.
For more information, please visit the website of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) on the "Deutschlandstipendium" at http://www.deutschlandstipendium.de
Forests are under pressure, we need sustainable solutions for their smart management and conservation. We have many highly motivated students in Eberswalde, they are our beacons of hope. The funding of German scholarships by the Stiftung Zukunft Jetzt! offers several of them valuable freedom and opportunities for their development on the path to working for forests and people.
What we fund
Since the summer semester 2022, the Stiftung Zukunftjetzt! has been supporting particularly committed and high-performing students at the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development as part of the national scholarship program Deutschlandstipendium. The focus of the funding is on the internationally oriented degree programs B.Sc. International Forest Ecosystem Management, M.Sc. Global Change Management and M.Sc. Forestry System Transformation. These degree programs at the Faculty of Forestry and Environment are particularly dedicated to training holistic, internationally active ecosystem managers and change agents who are able to systematically grasp the challenges of managing natural resources in the context of global change and develop goal-oriented solutions for a transformation towards sustainability. Since the summer semester of 2024, the foundation has also been supporting the B.Sc. in Sustainable Food and Agricultural Culture, which is the first Bachelor's degree course to combine sustainable food and agricultural culture with nature and resource conservation.
The sponsored students receive 300 euros per month for at least two semesters, regardless of income or BAföG support, allowing them to reach their full potential and concentrate on their studies without hindrance. The foundation is currently supporting
Laura Blöss, study program Sustainable Design of Food and Agricultural Culture (B. Sc), Germany
Sander Claes, Global Change Management degree program (M. Sc.), Belgium
Omar Elnaggar, Forestry System Transformation degree program (M. Sc.), Egypt
Clemens Fischer, Forestry System Transformation degree program (M. Sc.), Germany
Juan Pablo Gomez Peña, Global Change Management degree program (M. Sc.), Colombia
Madeleine Küsel, International Forest Ecosystem Management (B. Sc.), Germany
Rebecca Langer, degree program International Forest Ecosystem Management (B. Sc.), Germany
Florian Schenk, International Forest Ecosystem Management (B. Sc.), Germany
Paria Shariati, Global Change Management degree program (M. Sc.), Iran
Artinesa Sylmetaj, Global Change Management degree program (M. Sc.), Kosovo
HNEE students and the Stiftung Zukunft jetzt!
Our knowledge is a drop, what we don't know is an ocean.