#Measures for climate adaptation#Conservation of nature and environment#Education, science and research
About the project
As the Stiftung Zukunftjetzt!, we want to support students in exploring new paths and deepening their knowledge according to their interests. We do this, for example, by sponsoring study trips and conference visits. In early summer 2021, a group of students from the University of Bonn took part in the European Agroforestry Conference (EURAF) in Sardinia with funding from the Stiftung Zukunftjetzt!
Problems can never be solved with the same mindset that created them.
Why we fund
The Stiftung Zukunftjetzt! promotes future-oriented and sustainable ideas, projects and research in times of fundamental change. The foundation follows the guiding principle "If not now, then when?" and promotes necessary eco-social and climate-relevant developments so that social transformation can succeed. Access to education is a core concern of the Stiftung Zukunftjetzt!, which is why it has been supporting students, including those at the University of Bonn, in developing their knowledge and skills to assume ecological and social responsibility for several years.