About the organization

What can a forest give us if we simply leave it to its own devices? Why do we need protected areas such as national parks at all, where nature is allowed to develop according to its own rules and laws without human intervention? And how can we achieve better coexistence between man and nature for the benefit of all?

The association “Pro Nationalpark Freyung-Grafenau e.V.” explores these questions and thus supports the Bavarian Forest National Park and its philosophy of “letting nature be nature”. It thus contributes significantly to the acceptance of the protected area.

When the association was founded in 1998, there were still many skeptics. They saw the landscape becoming overgrown and felt that their rights were being restricted because they were no longer allowed to hunt or harvest wood. However, thanks to the tireless efforts of many, these voices have become quieter.

The members of Pro Nationalpark work as qualified forest guides and accompany around 30,000 interested visitors every year on cross-border snowshoe hikes, hiking and cycling tours. The focus is on children and young people. Cooperation with the neighboring Czech Sumava National Park and excursions to other national parks round off the program.

Eine Raupe

We need a change in our consciousness, a transformation process. Many people consider this power to think differently, to be optimistic, to be dreaming. But dreams can change the world.

Melanie Challenger (Poet/non-fiction writer - Great Britain)

Why we fund

More than ever, role models are needed to show that active climate protection is possible and how it can work. The film “Part of Nature” explores the question of why we are increasingly destroying the basis of our existence, even though we are part of nature.

It documents female protagonists around the world who are committed to a future worth living in different ways. They are farmers, architects, foresters and philosophers, tackle problems, set standards and bring about big changes even on a small scale. They are unstoppable and show that it is absolutely possible to make a difference together.

In their supposedly simple actions, they achieve the unusual and inspiring. They show their perspectives on the world and what needs to change in order to realize a vision of sustainable living in harmony with nature. At the same time, they are approachable and give hope.

The Stiftung Zukunft jetzt! foundation supports precisely those people who are committed to driving change despite difficult circumstances. The film “Part of Nature” is a mouthpiece for them.

A tree

Trees are a living thing. People love them. Trees are a beacon of hope for a better life. And before you know it, people start to really look ahead and no longer just cover their basic needs. And then you are no longer alone. Suddenly there are many who are looking to a positive future.

Cécile Ndjebet (Forest scientist - Cameroon)

What we fund

“Part of Nature” embarks on a journey through different cultures and landscapes, from the fertile rainforests and mangrove forests of Cameroon to the steppe-like sandy soils of Berlin-Brandenburg.

The reforestation of rainforests, the search for alternative cultivation methods for food, building in harmony with nature and a change in our consciousness: the stories intertwine and are embedded in a larger context: The individual as part of the whole, connectedness, belonging. In addition to questions of environmental protection, the film also deals with social inequality and gender justice. After all, climate change and its consequences invalidate fundamental human rights: the right to life, the right to health, the right to equality.

“Part of Nature” is an encouraging film. In poetic images, it provides insights into the close and inseparable connection between humans and nature. Understanding this connection and being amazed by the beauty and majesty of our environment can encourage us to rethink and change our behavior towards animals, trees and plants.

The Stiftung Zukunft jetzt! foundation is providing financial support for the film production.

Hands planting a bed

Whether I am painting a canvas, planting trees or planting a garden, it is exactly the same creative power. We often duck away in our lives, feeling like tiny cogs in a machine. That's not true. We can all create the reality we want to live in.

Mariá  Gimenez (Farmer - Germany)
  • Picture: Melanie Challenger in Scotland
  • Picture: Melanie Challenger with National Park Director Ursula Schuster (left) and Lisa Eder (right) in the Bavarian Forest National Park
  • Picture: Filming in North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Picture: Maria Giménez
  • Cécile Ndjebet
    Picture: Cécile Ndjebet
  • Leon and Annette Hillebrandt
    Picture: Leon and Annette Hillebrandt
A treehouse

What is beautiful? For me, it's buildings that adapt the cycle of nature. Beauty is simply no longer conceivable without sustainability. What I used to consider beautiful no longer applies today.

Annette Hillebrandt (Architect - Germany)

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