About the association

What does a world look like in which we really want to live? And how can we use our creativity and creative power as human beings to actively help shape it?
The Association Lebendige Zukunft aims to develop and test living, regenerative and sustainable alternatives for our society and economy in its projects. A valuable key and inspiration lies in the original and indigenous knowledge of cultures that have been living regeneratively and sustainably for thousands of years.

Why are we here and what role do we want to play as humans on the earth?
Some indigenous peoples still live to this day with a deep understanding of themselves as custodians of the earth. They remind us how we, as co-creators, become effective in the service of the unfolding of life on earth. Lebendige Zukunft e.V. wants to help us remember this potential and grow into this role. One of the central aims of the association is to establish an academy for liveliness and the application of original knowledge in modern times. It researches indigenous approaches in a practical way and tests their relevance to current challenges.

Children with newborn

500 years after Columbus, the two dissimilar protagonists in the film become something like modern-day explorers in search of the gold of our time: solutions for our future.

Lukas Roegler (journalist and filmmaker), Lucas Buchholz (author, speaker and consultant)

Why we fund

In the coming decades, indigenous peoples around the world will play a key role in overcoming the epochal crisis of meaning and the environmental crisis of our time.

By opening up the 4000-year-old knowledge of the Kogi, making it comprehensible and exploring the implementation of the Kogi principles for modern Western civilizations, the film "ÜberLeben" addresses almost all of the foundation's central objectives. Because only when people in the Global North find ways to live in harmony on all three levels - with nature as a whole, with their fellow human beings and with themselves - can the preservation of our natural livelihoods and resources in this world really be secured in the long term.


What we fund

Project development of the documentary film "ÜberLeben" (AT)

"ÜberLeben" accompanies the German futurologist Lucas Buchholz on his search for solutions in the fight against the epochal crisis of meaning and environmental crisis of our time. Lucas first returns to the indigenous Kogi people. The Kogi are the last pre-Columbian advanced civilization on the American continent and have not only survived the genocide by the Europeans. In the highest coastal mountain range in the world, the Colombian Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, they have created a "mentality safe" for a completely different view of the world.

But now Colombian coal mining and exports, drug gangs and environmental destruction are putting the Kogi under massive pressure, even in their last place of refuge. Worried about the world, the Kogi decide to send out a delegation of their wise men, the so-called "Mamos". They are to help the "younger siblings", as the Kogi call all non-indigenous people, and find allies to buy back their land. Lucas' Kogi friend Arregoces Coronado-Zarabata also joins the mission.

An exciting, visually stunning journey begins between the little-known world and unique culture of the Kogi and our modern Western civilization. It soon becomes clear that what is needed is a synthesis of indigenous wisdom and the knowledge and technology of the western world. In search of such a path, the two friends travel with the Mamos of Colombia to meet some of those thought leaders and pioneers of the Global North who have not yet given up the fight for the planet.

The Stiftung Zukunft jetzt! is financially supporting the development phase of the project in order to produce a detailed long synopsis/treatment and a first pitch teaser. Both are needed to communicate the film project to potential sponsors and partners. In addition, a social media community is being built around the topic of "future solutions".

Children in front of a bush
Picture: Lucas Buchholz, Lebendige Zukunft e.V.
Children in front of a hut

Only if people live in harmony on all three levels can the preservation of our natural livelihoods and resources in this world be secured in the long term.

Lukas Roegler (journalist and filmmaker)